Suite 1100, Bayport Plaza, 6200 Courtney Campbell Causeway - Tampa, FL 33607-5946
The Greenleaf Building, 200 Laura Street, P.O. Box 240 - Jacksonville, FL 32201-0240
1 Clearlake Centre, Suite 1504, 250 Australian Avenue South - West Palm Beach, FL 33401-5016
Fourth Floor, 105 East Robinson Street, P.O. Box 531086 - Winter Park, FL 32801
Tenth Floor, 515 North Flagler Drive, P.O. Box 4056 - Palm Beach, FL 33402-4056
Tampa Theatre Building, 707 North Franklin Street, 2nd Floor - Riverview, FL 33602
Bank of America Plaza, Suite 3910, 101 East Kennedy Boulevard - Riverview, FL 33602